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Cookies Policy

AI Love Type, Lda uses cookies on its website, this policy aims to make you aware of its categories and potential.

Cookie is a small file of information that is kept on your computer or mobile device for reading on subsequent visits and whose objective is to facilitate navigation, personalize information and analyze its effectiveness.

Type's website uses cookies for its correct functioning, to analyze the use of the website, improve the user experience and know your use of the network. When visiting Type's website, you are informed by a message about the use of cookies, clicking on accept consents the company to use them.

Cookies can be deleted from your computer at any time, and you can also configure your browser (depending on it) to prevent them if you wish. Type's website will continue to function, but with some limited functionality.

What categories of cookies do we use?

Statistical analysis cookies: These cookies allow you to quantify the number of visitors and statistically analyze the use of Type services by users. We use cookies on our website and third-party websites to collect statistics and user data, on an aggregated and individual basis, in analysis tools, in order to optimize our website and present you with relevant marketing material. This information may be analyzed by Type or by third parties, for the sole purpose of studying navigation through our website and improving the way we present it.
Advertising cookies: These are those that allow the effective management of advertising spaces on our website, so that we can adapt the content of the advertisement to the use of Type's website. Advertising cookies allow the definition of profiles, that is, we can know your Internet browsing habits and show you advertisements related to your browsing.
Other third-party cookies: On some of our pages, you may install third-party cookies that allow you to better manage the services they offer you. An example of this use is links to social networks that allow us to share our content.

What types of personal data do we handle?

We may associate your cookie ID with your personal data collected and collected under your Type account.

Who has access to your personal data?

Type is responsible for the processing of your personal data, as mentioned in the Privacy Policy. In this context, the data made available to third parties are used only to provide you with the services we present.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

We will only associate your cookies with your personal data whenever you log in to your Type account. The legality basis for this treatment is based on the legitimate interests of Type (for more information see our Privacy Policy).

How long do we keep your data?

Type retains the personal data resulting from the cookie ID processing for up to 7 days.        

You can easily stop accepting and deleting cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser. For instructions on how to manage and delete cookies, see “Help” in your browser. You can choose to disable cookies or receive notification whenever a new cookie is sent to your computer or mobile device. Please note that if you disable cookies, there will be features relating to our website that you will probably not be able to use.

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